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" The emergency funds awarded to me are making a night and day difference in every aspect of my life. To be able to work in the studio every day fills me with such joy and peace and hope for my future."

-Painter, upstate New York




The Artists' Fellowship, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) private charitable foundation that financially assists professional visual artists and their families in times of emergency, disability or bereavement. Assistance is given without expectation of repayment. One does not need to be a member of the Fellowship to receive assistance nor does membership in the Artists' Fellowship entitle one to assistance from the foundation. 



Jessica Daryl Winer, President; John Anthony Varriano, Vice President; Pam Singleton, Treasurer; Joyce Zeller, Corresponding Secretary; Priscilla McCarthy, Recording Secretary; Christopher Sweet, Historian


Elliott Arkin; Babette Bloch, ex officio; Edith Rae Brown; Gabriel Ferrer; Wende Caporale-Greene. ex officio; Peggy Kinstler; Pia Ledy; David Marcus; Accra Shepp; Sharon Sprung; Charles Yoder, ex officio; Bonnie Yousuf

Advisory Panel:

Marc Mellon, ex officio; Morton Kaish; Claudia Seymour


“You have no idea of the tremendous relief you have brought from the nightmarish burden of not being able to continue working. To be able to turn the key in the lock in the studio each morning, sit down and begin mixing my palette for the day’s work is the most rewarding experience any man could hope for. Thank you one and all.”

– Painter, San Diego, CA