Emergency Aid Resources

The language in quotes and italics below is from the websites of the individual organizations. The Artists Fellowship encourages you to research, consider and apply for aid where appropriate.


The Adolph & Esther Gottlieb Foundation 
(Emergency Grants Program)
380 West Broadway 
New York, NY 10012 
(212) 226-0581

"…to provide interim financial assistance to qualified artists whose needs are the result of an unforeseen, catastrophic incident, and who lack the resources to meet that situation. Each grant is given as one-time assistance for a specific emergency, examples of which are fire, flood, or emergency medical need.

The program does not consider requests for dental work, chronic situations, capital improvements, or projects of any kind; nor can it consider situations resulting from general indebtedness or lack of employment. Language in quotes and italics is from the websites of the individual organizations. You must do your own research. The Artists Fellowship encourages you to research, consider and apply for aid where appropriate."

The Pollock-Krasner Foundation
863 Park Avenue 
New York, NY 10075 
(212) 517-5400 

"The Pollock-Krasner Foundation's dual criteria for grants are recognizable artistic merit and demonstrable financial need, whether professional, personal or both. The Foundation's mission is to aid, internationally, those individuals who have worked as professional artists over a significant period of time."

(Craft Emergency Relief Fund, Inc.) 
535 Stone Cutters Way Suite 202 
Montpelier, VT 05602 
(802) 229-2306 

"An applicant must be a professional artist working in a craft discipline (such as potter, metalsmith, glass artist, woodworker, fiber artist or furniture maker) who has had a recent, career-threatening emergency and be a legal U.S. resident. In addition to submitting a completed application form, an applicant is required to provide documentation about his/her craft career and the emergency."

Hero Initiative
11301 Olympic Blvd, #587 
Los Angeles, CA 90064 
(626) 676-6354 

"An applicant must have been a working comic book writer, penciler, inker, colorist, or letterer on a work-for-hire basis for no less than 10 years since January 1, 1934. An applicant must demonstrate to the Hero Disbursement Committee adequate evidence of financial need via verbal and written documentation."

New York Foundation for the Arts
29 W. 38th Street, 9th floor
New York, NY 10018
(212) 366-6900

"Established in 1971 as an independent organization to serve individual artists throughout the state, the mission of New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) is to empower emerging artists and arts organizations across all disciplines at critical stages in their creative lives and professional/organizational development. In 2009, NYFA extended its programs and services throughout the United States and the international community. The NYSCA/NYFA Artist Fellowship Program awards $7,000 grants to individual and collaborative artists living and working in New York State."


Rauschenberg Emergency Grant 

NYFA and the Rauschenberg Foundation have teamed up to offer visual and media artists and choreographers in the US grants of up to $5,000 for medical related emergencies.

Musicians Foundation 

The Musicians Foundation provides grants to U.S. musicians in any genre in a time of acute need due to personal, medical, dental, or family crisis, natural disaster, or other emergency situation. 

Foundation for Contemporary Arts Emergency Grant 

The Foundation for Contemporary Arts offers Emergency Grants between $200 and $2,500 for visual and performing artists. They review applications once a month, so you can quickly take advantage of momentum or solve any budget errors. 

Entertainment Community Fund Assistance Program 

Formerly known as the Actors Fund, the Entertainment Community Fund provides services and financial support to entertainment professionals facing personal or work-related problems. It is also a conduit for emergency financial assistance in times of pressing need or in response to catastrophic events.

Freelancers Union

A resource for the self-employed, with information about insurance, taxes, networking, etc.